Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

This is for you Jenn

Okay, okay.. I know I am not very good at keeping up with this but here are some new fall photos from the nebo loop. Enjoy

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Life is going pretty well around here. As you can see I am taking lots of pictures and spending lots of time with the family. The rest of my time is pretty much taken up by work. I have recently been promoted to be a supervisor on one of the detention units at Slate Canyon. This has been a great challenge as I have spent the last six years working with the long term youth so I have a lot to learn not only as a supervisor but also learning about how things work in detention. Otherwise, life is pretty normal. Not a lot changes in my life so I don't know how often I will write but I will be adding lots of pictures as this is the main reason for the blog so stay tuned...Pat

Welcome home Kendall

Aftons blessing day

Making an effort

My sister says that I need to post more pictures and I agree so here goes. I will be adding some each week so stay tuned. Pat